Art and splendor in the mist of nature - भगवद्गीता

Publié le par Yélène

20120702-ArtAndSplendorInTheMistOfNatureKrishna then told Arjuna how to attain serenity of mind, to see clearly through the Self:
“But the man who is self controlled,
who meets the objects of the senses
with neither craving nor aversion,
will attain serenity at last.
In serenity, all is sorrows
disappear at once, forever;
when his heart has become serene,
his understanding is steadfast.
The undisciplined have no wisdom,
no one-pointed concentration;
with no concentration, no peace;
with no peace, where can joy be?”

Bhagavad Gita

Publié dans 201207

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